Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mommy FAIL

Okay, so I'm a jerk.

I needed to run to the store tonight, when my son was cranky and needed a nap. So instead of getting a nap, the bedtime routine started early.

By the time he was out of his bath, dressed, swaddled, and ready to nurse...the child was beyond exhausted. I thought he might fall asleep nursing. But no, of course not...he was already so tired that his eyes were wide and he was completely dazed. I tried so hard to get him to a drowsy point, so he could fall asleep if I put him down...but he was not having it. He was EXHAUSTED. And overtired babies do not go to sleep easily.

He missed a nap, because of me. And now he's suffering the consequences, crying in his crib. And I feel like a horrible, selfish mommy.

This is the tricky thing about schedules and babies....they begin to rely on them. Any break in routine and you've got chaos on your hands.

I'm beginning to think I need to get better at working around his needs. Cause guys...I feel like a complete jackass. Like, for real. EPIC FAIL.


  1. (I just found your blog - hi from a fellow Bumpie!)
    I know what you mean. We went to my SIL's for dinner tonight, which meant that we didn't have our son home at bedtime and were attempting to do it all at her place as though nothing was different. Epic Fail. He wouldn't sleep at all. Wide eyed and miserable, crying and cranky. He's had a few rough days with little sleep (due to teething I think) and that mixed with new surroundings and a lot of noise, and he was a wreck. I ended up missing dinner, packing the babe up and coming home, leaving my husband there with his family.

    Something's got to give. I can't always be home at bedtime; it's just not realistic. I think he needs routine, but it has to be flexible. How do I explain to a 4 month old that mommy and daddy need a life that doesn't *always* revolve around his sleep schedule?

  2. yeah it's a tough issue. I think it just takes time to develop the type of sleeping situation that works for you and the babe.
    I have started to use the same types of techniques that I use at home, to get him used to sleeping in his car seat. At least that way he has a familiar place to nap when we're out.
