Wednesday, May 19, 2010

6 Months

Holy hell, my baby is half a year old.

And yes, time does fly.

I can't believe how much he has grown. I can't believe how much he has changed. Browsing some vintage pics and videos today, I was amazed to see how small he was. All I want to do is go back to those first few weeks with my tiny, new baby and hold him close. I want to go back and tell myself that I need to enjoy it.

I would give anything to keep him like this forever. I know how crazy that sounds. But it is incredibly painful to know that this baby that I love more than life will one day not be a baby at all. That some day all I will have to remind me of these incredible days will be a few pictures and outfits. I understand, now, the desire to have multiple children. Welcoming children into the world and watching them grow is the most beautiful, rewarding experience.

The Boy has become even more social. He sleeps just as little as always. He started sleeping with me this past month, because we simply can not live with that little sleep (this development has led me to forgo my usual 2 cigarettes a day...something about it being BAD or some shit).
He loves animals, and "sings" to them (see: makes high pitched "aaahhh" sounds).
He still hates tummy time.
He does not feel the need to eat any of the baby food I try to give him.
He now tries to nurse whenever he feels the urge, diving open-mouthed at my breasts.
He thinks that he must have whatever I have. Seriously. EVERYTHING I have is AWESOME.
He still pants like a puppy much more often than he actually laughs.
He beats himself with his fists when he gets excited.
He is in size 3 diapers.
He wants YOUR food. No substitution will do. He will put himself in danger trying to get it.
He makes kissing noises.
He says "mamamamamama" and "wawwawawawawa" and occasionally "bababbbaba".
He pulls on my hair/clothes/bedding/skin/whatever when he wakes up or nurses.

He is the light of my life. I have never been so happy. I never would have even dreamed I could be this happy. He makes every day an adventure.

I love you, little boy. There is no way to tell you how much.

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