I can't even believe how quickly he is growing up. It's the speed at which he's learning that's really making my head spin. It's insane that each month seems to go even faster than the last. But what's even more insane is that this kid keeps doing bigger and better things to blow my mind.
Here's what I'm talking about, y'all.
A few days ago, he started trying to laugh. It's currently somewhere between a screech, a cough and a giggle. Sounds like a hot mess, I know, but it's adorable.
Yesterday, he freaking rolled over. Strangely, it was from his back to his belly. This kid hates being on his tummy, so he's not too big on doing it, and has only done it a couple times since then (yes, we had to put toys just out of his reach to make him do it).
He pulls off his socks, because he started grabbing his feet all the time.
He doesn't talk so much as wail, but he does this all the time. Almost non stop chatter.
We have gotten much better sleep, due to some early sleep training.
He started doing funny things while nursing. He gets distracted from it easily, and pulls back to smile and talk to me, or look at someone else who's talking near us. He tries to talk while nursing, and has started blowing raspberries with my nipples in his mouth (which is weird, yes....but also quite hilarious).
Every day, I feel like I discover something else about him. The more he learns, and the more I see how his mind is working, the more I fall in love with him. He cuddles with me every morning. He demands my full attention. He clearly communicates what he wants. He's silly and whiny and absolutely the most wonderful person in the world.
Here's The Boy, happy at four months
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