Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where Can I Pick One Up?

My sisters have found themselves two exceptional men.
I tend to trust their judgment in people even more than mine because, let's face it, I'm sort of a dumbass when it comes to that kinda thing.

Sister B. Went to her house for dinner the other night. After her husband got off work (she is currently unemployed), he came home and washed his car. Then he washed hers, and mine (completely unprompted...imagine!). He noticed something on my car that needed fixing, so he took care of that too....without even saying a word about it to me. If that wasn't enough, he then went into the house, and proceeded to make dinner and drinks for us. When I told him he was awesome, he just smiled and said "oh don't worry, it's all for show," and laughed off the compliment.
And I thought...holy crap. I didn't even know that a brother-in-law could be such a wonderful and welcome addition.

Sister C. Came over with her boyfriend to take me out to look at a car. Boyfriend grabbed my computer and pulled up the info, called the owner and tried to get a reasonable price for me. He told me he wouldn't take me to go see it because he won't let me get ripped off. So he found a number of other cars, talked to the owners himself, haggled his ass off, and even though he had plans that night, he blew them off and stuck around to get me a good car at a good price. He looked at everything, test drove it, and made sure everything was good enough for me. Then he bought me celebratory beer.
Because that guy is freaking awesome.

Where do you find these men? I need to know...for real. I'm not really anyone to them. Hell, I'm not even the one sleeping with them, and they still go out of their way to help me.

Only people who are obligated have ever been that good to me. Even when I am sleeping with someone, they don't do things like this for me. Quite obviously, I have slept with a bunch of least if I compare them to the men my sisters have.

So what's wrong with me? Why do I attract douchebags? And I only this impressed by these guys because I'm so used to douchebags?

I really need to know why I keep getting involved with people who treat me like shit. I knew I had issues...but this just confirms it. There are good people out there, and I continuously go for the bad ones. If I could figure out what the fuck is wrong with me, it would be a lot easier to fix. So someone let me know. KTHXBAI.

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